Interview with Tara Evans WKMG6
I contacted Tara Evans, a reporter from Orlando Television network WKMG, to participate in an interview with six other widows who lost their husbands to the Camp Lejeune toxic water poisoning. We were in Orlando for our first ever retreat, where we came together to seek support from fellow widows who understand our pain and struggle.
Tara has been covering the Camp Lejeune story for a long time, and she wanted to give us a voice and a platform to tell our stories. She was very respectful and compassionate, and she asked us questions about our husbands, their service, their health issues, and how we cope with the loss. She also asked us about the lawsuit that we are involved in, and the challenges we face in getting justice and compensation for our husbands’ deaths.
The interview was very emotional, but also very empowering. We realized how similar but yet different our stories and journeys are. We all loved our husbands dearly, and we all suffered from their illness and death. We all faced difficulties in getting proper diagnosis, treatment, and recognition for their condition. We all felt angry, betrayed, and abandoned by the government and the military that failed to protect them. But we also found strength, hope, and solidarity in each other. We found a community of widows who share our grief and our fight. We found a sisterhood that supports us through thick and thin.
Here is one part of the interview

That’s why I’m so grateful for the Facebook group Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Widows. It’s a place where we can connect, vent, cry, laugh, and heal together. It’s a place where we can find information, resources, and advice on how to deal with the legal system and the bureaucracy. It’s a place where we can honor our husbands’ memory and legacy, and keep their spirit alive.
If you are a widow of a Camp Lejeune veteran who was poisoned by the toxic water, or if you know someone who is, I invite you to join our group. You are not alone. We are here for you.