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Empowering Widows


Advocacy with Bulldog Tenacity

The LEAWs Initiative

Uniting Marine Widows, Advocating for Justice

Empowerment Through Unity

The mission of Lеjеunе Empowеrеd Advocacy for Widows (LEAWs) is to offer stеadfast support to military widows who have tragically lost their husbands duе to toxic watеr contamination at Camp Lеjеunе and othеr military basеs. Thе organization is committеd to bringing togеthеr thеsе bravе womеn, drawing inspiration from thе English bulldog’s symbolic rеprеsеntation of couragе and tеnacity. LEAWs works tirеlеssly to advocatе for justicе, еmpowеrmеnt, and thе rightful bеnеfits of thеsе widows, aiming to bе a rеsolutе forcе in thеir journеy towards hеaling and rеcognition.

Our values

Empathy Sparks. Courage Ignites. Unity Soars.


Together we make all the difference

Interview Day with Tara Evans

6 widows sat with Tara Evans from Orlando's WKM6 Network to share their journeys of their husband's illness and death due to the Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Poisoning.

Operation DC

Frustrated by the government's handling of Camp Lejeune water poisoning victims, four widows journeyed to Washington DC. Tara Craver, who lost her husband, became an unwavering advocate. Leading 'Camp Lejeune Victims - The Faces,' a 3000-strong Facebook group, Tara and a small group turned to CBS News for visibility. I also reached out to Senator Rubio, expressing gratitude for supporting The Camp Lejeune Justice Act 2022."

The Final Vote

Senate approves benefits for Veterans to toxic water exposure. However, it was much more than that for us the Marine community whose loved one's where station at Camp Lejeune and have since died. This marks the day when we can now hold the government accountable for our loved one's death.

Jacksonville North Carolina Outreach

The Marine's, Navy Veterans and the Widows of those that lost their husband's who were based at Camp Lejeune came out to spread the word about the toxic exposure they endured on The Camp Lejeune military base in Jacksonville North Carolina.

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