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Empowering Widows


Advocacy with Bulldog Tenacity

The LEAWs Initiative

Uniting Marine Widows, Advocating for Justice

Empowerment Through Unity

The mission of Lеjеunе Empowеrеd Advocacy for Widows (LEAWs) is to offer stеadfast support to military widows who have tragically lost their husbands duе to toxic watеr contamination at Camp Lеjеunе and othеr military basеs. Thе organization is committеd to bringing togеthеr thеsе bravе womеn, drawing inspiration from thе English bulldog’s symbolic rеprеsеntation of couragе and tеnacity. LEAWs works tirеlеssly to advocatе for justicе, еmpowеrmеnt, and thе rightful bеnеfits of thеsе widows, aiming to bе a rеsolutе forcе in thеir journеy towards hеaling and rеcognition.

Our values

Empathy Sparks. Courage Ignites. Unity Soars.

Thank You to Our Sponsors


Together we make all the difference

Unaware and Uncompensated: The UK Military’s Ignorance of the Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Scandal

The BBC News from the UK put out a Podcast with Emma Fordes and Andrew Picken. It highlights the negligence on the UK and USA government to notify those British troops who were stationed at The Camp Lejeune Military base. The podcast featured some individuals who have been affected either by loosing a loved one or having suffered from cancer themselves.

Support our Mission

Camp Lejeune, Marine Widows tragically looses her son. His funeral will be on August 7th, 2024. His mother, seeks support to cover funeral expenses and to honor her son's memory.

Congressional Efforts to Accelerate Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Claims

Two members of Congress introduced the Camp Lejeune Justice Corrections Act to expedite claims for service members exposed to toxic chemicals at Camp Lejeune. Proposed by Reps. Greg Murphy and Deborah Ross, the bill updates the 2022 Act, ensuring the right to a jury trial, expanding jurisdiction, and capping attorney fees. The original Act allowed service members affected by contaminated water (1953-1987) to sue the government, but progress has been slow. This new bill aims to speed up the process and provide timely relief.

The Recent ATSDR Study on Camp Lejeune: A Beacon of Hope for Military Widows

In a significant breakthrough, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has released a comprehensive study confirming the long-suspected link between the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune and an increased risk of certain cancers among those who lived or worked at the base from the mid-1970s to '80s.

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